Removing Bees Exterminating Wasps in Beaumont, TX

When bees and wasps become a safety hazard or interfere with our space, it’s important to call the professionals for help in their removal.

How did i get bees / wasps?

Bees are always looking for a place to nest. They prefer dark and protected areas, so wall voids or chimneys often fit their needs. Any exposed outside living space is at risk for bee infestations. Some species that nest in wall voids fly inside the living space through baseboards, electrical outlets, and cracks in walls.

How do i get Rid of bees?

The only way to rid a property of bees is to remove the hive entirely. For safety and efficiency purposes, it’s very important that you contact a local and trusted pest professional for help with bee control. Texas Bug Masters has the tools and experience to remove and relocate hives and nests quickly and safely.

Bee control You can trust

Bees are often times mistaken for wasps, and each require unique treatment methods. It’s important to properly identify the particular species before any other steps are taken. Because many regions require special licenses to treat bee infestations, it’s necessary to know effective application strategies, as well as the limitations and dangers associated with each method.

effective control by local expert exterminators

The easiest way to run into swarms is to disturb hives or a nest, which makes control best left to professionals. The effective control strategy from the highly trained bee experts at Texas Bug Masters includes identifying nesting sites, and taking action with environmental, procedural, mechanical and insecticide applications. Call today for your free consultation!

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